
Focus Audio
Classic FC 8 / FCC 2 / FC 6
Home-Theater Speaker System


Classic FC 8 floorstanding speaker
Price: $900 USD each
Dimensions: 38"H x 7.5"W x 10"D
Weight: 48 pounds each
Model: Classic FCC 2 center-channel
Price: $680 USD
Dimensions: 22.5"W x 7.5"H x 10"D
Weight: 27 pounds
Model: Classic FC 6 surround speaker
Price: $500 USD each
Dimensions: 14"H x 7.5"W x 10"D
Weight: 19 pounds each |

Description (cont'd)System
price: $3480 USD
Warranty: Five years parts and labor.
- 1" ring-radiator tweeters
- 5.5" long-throw Nomex bass/midrange drivers
- 1"- and 2"-thick MDF cabinets
- Rear-ported design
- Real-wood veneers: Rosewood, Dark Rosewood
- Gold-plated five-way binding posts
Focus Audio, of Ontario, has been in
business since 1993, and is one of the well-respected names of Canadian audio. Their
speaker range tends toward the high end, with lines such as the Prestige and the Master
series soaring to $10,000/pair and above. Over the years, Focus speakers have been
reviewed favorably in Home Theater & Sound and our sister publications. When
their Classic series was introduced at the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show, all of our
writers who heard the system raved about its sound. And when I heard that the top Classic
model, the FC 9, cost less than $2000/pair, I was excited at the prospect of reviewing a
Classic system assembled for home-theater use.
The system reviewed here is based on the FC 8 tower
speaker, the second from the top of the Classic line ($1800 per pair). Rounding out the
system are the FCC 2 center-channel speaker ($680) and the FC 6 bookshelf model
($1000/pair), the last used as surrounds. At a system price of $3480, the Classic gives a
taste of Focuss higher-end models at a fraction of the cost.
FC 8 tower
The Classic FC 8 is an elegant floorstanding
loudspeaker. Only 38"H x 7.5"W x 10"D, its easy to move around to
different positions. The cabinet is of 2"-thick MDF covered in a veneer of
reddish-brown rosewood, as are all Classic models (dark rosewood is also available). The
smooth matte veneer is gorgeous, and a big step up from the laminate oak normally seen in
this price range.
Rather than a simple rectilinear box, the FC 8 has
tapered edges that not only add to its visual appeal, but are also functional in reducing
the baffle area around the drivers. This minimizes the diffraction of soundwaves by the
cabinet, which can color the sound emanating from the drivers: a 1" tweeter and two
5.5" woofers. A wooden base gives stability, and around back, about a foot above the
base, is a 2"-diameter port. Two pairs of five-way binding posts, suitable for
biwiring or biamping, are located unusually high on the rear. With a claimed sensitivity
of 91dB/W/m, the FC 8 proved an easy load for my Integra DTR-8.8 A/V receiver.
I found that the FC 8s removable grilles came
off too easily. This might have been because my review samples were demo units that had
been used at CES, where people were constantly removing and replacing the grilles to look
at the drivers. In any case, it would have been nice to have had tighter posts.
FCC 2 center
The matching FCC 2 center-channel speaker has the
standard, horizontal woofer-tweeter-woofer array seen in the vast majority of center
channels: two 5.5" woofers flanking a central 1" tweeter. The cabinet of solid
MDF has the same sort of tapered edges as the FC 8, as well as the towers
2" rear port and pairs of five-way binding posts. With dimensions of 22.5"W x
7.5"H x 10"D, the FCC 2 is well proportioned, and was easy to fit under my
92" projection screen. And with a claimed sensitivity of 91dB/W/m, the same as the
FC 8, the FCC 2 was also easily accommodated by my Integra receiver.

FC 6 surround
The FC 6, the Classic lines bookshelf model, is
also usable as a surround speaker. Its 1" tweeter sits above a single 5.5"
woofer. With dimensions of 14"H x 7.5"W x 10"D, the FC 6 is a bit
bigger than average for a bookshelf. Around back are the biampable binding posts, along
with a 2"-wide port behind the tweeter. The speakers claimed sensitivity of
86dB/W/m screams "Demanding load!" For surround duties, though, they seemed up
to the task of easily reproducing ambient and discrete sounds as driven by my receiver.
Driver technology
The beauty of the Classic system is that all three speakers
use the same drive-units: a 1" ring-radiator tweeter and one or two 5.5" Nomex
woofers. This means theres a higher likelihood that the speakers will tonally match
each other. Focus Audio doesnt make its own drivers; instead, they buy them from
Tymphany, a well-respected driver manufacturer in Denmark and makers of the Peerless and
Vifa brands. To ensure the high quality of the Classic models, Focus Audio told me that
they use the same design process as in their flagship Master line, making careful
compromises in the selection of each part.
The 1" ring-radiator tweeter is unusual. In profile it
looks much like an advanced woofer design, with a central, bullet-shaped waveguide plug
that helps keep its output consistent both on and off axis. Like a conventional dome
tweeter, a ring-radiator tweeter is supported on its outer edge; the difference is that
its also supported on its inner edge. This results in more precise movement of the
radiating surface. According to Focus, this tweeter was chosen for its smooth
high-frequency response up to 40kHz.
The cone of the 5.5" midrange/woofer is made of Nomex,
a type of nylon formed into a fiber paper, and chosen for its stiffness and damping
characteristics. The result, according to Focus, is excellent transient response without
harshness, aided by a large voice-coil that can handle large amounts of power.
I set up the Classic speakers in the usual spots in my
room, with the left, center, and right front speakers about 9 from my listening
seat. The FC 8s were 3 from the front wall and 4 from the sidewalls,
positions I preferred because this rear-ported speaker could sound "fat" if
placed too close to a wall, and because, in my room, soundstages are wider and deeper when
the mains are set up this way. The FCC 2 center sat atop my low equipment stand,
below the screen, and the FC 6 surrounds were about 5 away from and slightly
behind the listening position.
Focus Audio doesnt make subwoofers, but I had a few
on hand, which I swapped in and out of the system. For most of my listening I used a
Paradigm UltraCube 12, which nicely matches the size of the Focus Audio system. Toward the
end of the review period I also tried Axiom Audios massive EP800 subwoofer, but at
4 tall, it dwarfed the Focus FC 8s.
My first impression of the Classic system was of its sheer
musicality. Every multichannel music track I threw at it was so involving, drawing me into
listening to song after song. One disc that sounded particularly impressive through the
system was Ladysmith Black Mambazos Long Walk to Freedom, which features such
guest vocalists as Melissa Etheridge, Emmylou Harris, and Sarah McLachlan (SACD/CD, Heads
Up HUSA 9109). Most tracks are sung a cappella; the voices were rich in each channel, with
the surrounds particularly prominent. The front soundstage of "Nomathemba" was
particularly impressive -- a seamless wall of sound was spread out before me. With
"Homeless," it was easy to pick out Sarah McLachlan in the left surround
speaker. There are many vocal sound effects that are swept from the left surround speaker
to the right, and it was easy to track these behind me through the FC 6 surrounds due
to the systems impressive imaging -- the sounds faded out well to the outside of the
right surround speaker. The high frequencies were especially well served, sounding sweet
with no hint of harshness. In "How Long," voices were easily passed from
center-channel to main to surround speaker. The FC 6 surrounds and FCC 2 center
were such a precise match that the experience was breathtaking. Ive never heard such
an engaging set of speakers for multichannel music in this price range.
The Focus Audio system proved just as engaging with movies.
The Blu-ray edition of The Dark Knight has a reference-quality Dolby TrueHD
soundtrack, with all channels prominent throughout much of the film. In chapter 2, shell
casings drop to the concrete floor of a parking garage. These sounded far to the right of
the right FC 8 speaker, a testament to the imaging prowess of this system. The sound
of the casings hitting the concrete was a touch softer than Im used to hearing,
however. In chapter 11, a helicopter flies across the front of the soundstage -- the
movement of the sound from the left FC 8 to the FCC 2 to the right FC 8 was
smooth, with no obvious shifts in tonality from speaker to speaker to change the color of
the sound and call my attention to the fact that it was being produced by three separate
In chapter 9 of The Dark Knight, as Batman
glides from the top of a building in Hong Kong, the sound begins in the rear speakers and
moves to the center channel. This effect revealed the Classic speakers perfect
timbral match -- not surprising, as the same drivers are used in all three models, but
still an indication of how well this system has been designed. Even though the FCC
2s and FC 6s driver complements are identical, the orientation of those
drivers are different; its tricky to get the crossovers just right. Dialog was easy
to understand through the FCC 2 -- I never had to strain to understand what was being
said. This is especially important in The Dark Knight; Batman speaks
breathily to conceal his true identity, and can be difficult to understand through
inferior center-channel speakers. Male voices, however, had a bit of chestiness through
the FCC 2, indicating an upper-bass emphasis. Moving off axis also created a
high-frequency rolloff, a trait common among center speakers with horizontal driver
In the past, Ive strongly preferred multipolar
surround speakers, whether dipole or bipole; to me, they represent the best compromise in
the simultaneous reproduction of diffuse and discrete effects. I still prefer those types
of surround speakers, but good bookshelf designs such as the FC 6 challenge my bias.
With their wide dispersion, the FC 6es, working as side surrounds, so well handled
the imaging that I heard a wall-of-sound effect behind me. This is especially important
when a soundtrack is trying to convey a sense of space, as of Bruce Waynes temporary
hideout under a shipping container in chapter 3 of The Dark Knight.
I had on hand a comparably priced tower-based surround
system: Paradigms
Monitor 11 v.6 tower ($1498/pair), Monitor CC-390 v.6 center ($699), and Monitor
ADP-390 v.6 surround ($898/pair). At a system price of $3095 -- $385 less than the
Focus Audios -- and having been named a Reviewers Choice by Home Theater &
Sound, the Paradigms are a natural rival to the Classic system.
Which is better? I know you dont want to hear this,
but it depends on what you value. The differences between the two systems were very small
and somewhat difficult to pinpoint. In a nutshell, for listening to music, whether in two
or five channels, I preferred the Focus Audio system. For watching movies, I preferred the
Paradigms. You might say that sound is sound, and that a speaker that excels at accurately
reproducing one sort of sound should excel in the reproduction of all sorts of
sound. However, I believe that some speakers have subtle performance attributes that make
them more suited to the reproduction of the sounds of movies or music.
For example, I raved about the Paradigm Monitor CC-390 v.6
center speaker, and those ravings stood up when I compared it with the Focus Audio Classic
FCC 2 center. Although I never had to strain to hear dialog through the FCC 2,
throughout The Dark Knight Morgan Freemans and Christian Bales
voices had a hint of boxiness and chestiness, and I was always aware of where their voices
were coming from. This was not at all evident with the Paradigm CC-390 v.6. As well, a
high-frequency rolloff was apparent off axis with the FCC 2, but not with the CC-390
v.6. However, fans of multichannel music might not even notice this about the FCC 2,
as listening to music is often a solitary activity. Someone listening to music alone would
probably sit in the sweet spot, directly in front of the center speaker. And without the
constraints of a home-theater screen or TV, the center speaker can be placed higher or
more optimally than I could in my home theater.
For multichannel music, I found the Focus Audio system more
engaging. Thats not to say that the Paradigm Monitors were slouches at imaging,
high-frequency air, or midrange naturalness -- they did all this well. But the Monitors
sounded a bit forward in comparison with the relaxed sound of the Classics. This made the
Focus system more pleasant for listening to acoustic piano and female voices, such as
Diana Kralls on her Look of Love (SACD/CD, Verve 314 589 507-2). Listening to
this album through the Classics, I wanted to stay and listen to the entire disc --
something I didnt experience with the Monitors.
Paradigms Monitor ADP-390 v.6 surround speaker edged
out the Classic FC 6 surround in terms of envelopment. As I said above, the
FC 6es imaged behind me like pros due to their wide-dispersion design, while the
ADP-390s came into their own toward the sides of the room. So rather than the separate
front and rear soundstages I heard with the Focus Audio system, the Paradigms enveloped me
in seamless surround sound. This was especially effective with The Dark Knights
many different sonic atmospheres, such as the police interrogation room and Bruce
Waynes hideout.
Focus Audios Classic array of FC 8 towers,
FCC 2 center, and FC 6 surrounds is a high-performing surround system that
excels across the board -- but especially for listening to music. It kept me mesmerized
for hours, and in this regard challenged systems well above it in price. It was easy to
place and live with, with ideal physical proportions well suited to rooms of small and
medium size. If you listen more to music, whether to two- or multichannel recordings, than
you watch movies, I urge you to give this system a listen. Because music is where it truly
System |
Sources -- Sony BDP-S350
Blu-ray player, Toshiba HD-A30 HD DVD player, Oppo DV-980H universal DVD player |
-- Integra DTR-8.8 |
Cables -- Sonic Horizons,
TARA Labs |
device -- Sanyo PLV-Z5 projector with Grandview LFM-92 tab-tensioned motorized
screen |